mental health

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Living With A Compulsive Hair-Pulling Disorder

At the age of seven I started compulsively pulling out my eyelashes and eyebrows. I was later diagnosed with trichotillomania, a hair-pulling disorder.


9 Things This Mentally Ill Person Wishes You Would Stop (Or Start) Doing

Please stop gaslighting me. Stop telling me that my mental illness isn’t real.

For several years in my late 20s and early 30s, health anxiety had a stranglehold on my life — and it started from a scary place.

I Recovered From Health Anxiety (And So Can You)

These days, I can’t say I’m never hit with anxiety about an unexpected pain or a weird lump. But when fear creeps in, I stick to some helpful guidelines.

People can be courageous and hardworking and still not get better.

What If I'm Not The "Right" Kind Of Mentally Ill?

People can be courageous and hardworking and still not get better. Because that’s what it means to have an illness; it isn’t predictable or convenient.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

How Books And Media Helped Me Through A Depressive Episode

In a moment when I couldn’t write myself, it was the writing of others that brought me back from the brink of my depressive episode.

Sometimes mindfulness doesn't always work. So I started doing something different: knitting.

Knitting As A Form Of Therapy

The wonderful thing about knitting is that it combines mindfulness with mindlessness. You have to concentrate, sure, but you can easily lose yourself.

Non-binary invisibility affects mental health.

We Need To Talk About How Non-Binary Invisibility Affects Mental Health

It’s both comforting and disturbing knowing that my experiences navigating as a non-binary person are not unique. This is non-binary invisibility.

The author and her husband.

I’m Not The Person My Husband Married

This is not the person my husband married. We're all a little crazy. We're all trying. Tomorrow we will not be the people we are today.
