Karis Rogerson
Karis Rogerson Articles
Here’s the thing about depression: it cycles. Even when I’m on medication, going to therapy and doing everything I’m able to do in order to stay healthy and keep it at bay, it bleeds in and out of my soul.
Read..."I think that you're never too old to read about hope, love, and redemption."
Read...Here’s the thing about faking it: eventually, the truth comes out, or someone gets hurt. So I'm going to talk about my virginity on first dates!
Read...Am I misrepresenting? Am I misunderstanding? Am I misremembering?
Read...Tomi Adeyemi might be the writer whose book deal seared me with insane jealousy and sent waves crashing through the book world.
Read...S.A. Chakraborty is the debut author of The City of Brass, a sweeping and epic fantasy from Harper Voyager that brings to life Middle Eastern history.
Read...There’s a reason I turn to Friends when I get depressed. Ok, I lied, there are several reasons.
Read...In a moment when I couldn’t write myself, it was the writing of others that brought me back from the brink of my depressive episode.
Read...Jennifer Mathieu has spent much of her life pouring into the lives of teenagers, both through her day job as a teacher and through the four books.
Read...When I held Baby J for the first time, everything shuffled into place. For the kids, I see every reason to breathe. They love me. I don’t know why.