Annie Walton Doyle
Annie Walton Doyle Articles
Aside from knitting and prescribed medications, beauty products are the thing that helps me out the most during a bout of depression. Sound crazy? Read on.
Read...In life, there’s not much I love more than a good bitch. I’d take a mean, hilarious person over a “nice” bland-y any day of the week.
Read...It’s surely well known by now that the age of the heavily drawn on, perfectly angled eyebrow is coming to an end.
Read...Of all of the supposed beauty “problems” in the world, for me, roots are really the least “problematic.” In fact, I love mine dearly.
Read...Lash stain: what the hell. Am I right?
Read...Not often am I willing to declare myself as any sort of spokeswoman, but I am happy to speak for all of us when I say: thank Baby J winter is endin
Read...There seems to be something about being a Millennial that is making me depressed. Our childhoods have left us particularly unprepared for the "real world."
Read...Being a “strong” and “empowered” woman is so hot right now.