Dylan Brethour

Dylan Brethour


Dylan is a freelance journalist and editor living in London. She’s also a writer and site editor for the human rights charity RightsInfo. When she’s not writing articles, Dylan is working on her short story collection, with fiction appearing in the upcoming London Short Story Prize anthology. Read more of her work at dylanbrethour.com.

Dylan Brethour Articles

Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash

OCD Isn’t An Anxiety Disorder – Here’s Why That Matters

When I was diagnosed with OCD several years ago, like most people, I assumed it was an anxiety disorder. It wasn’t until months later that I stumbled on articles debating the merits of defining OCD as an entirely separate category of mental illness.

While I would never have judged anyone else for having a mental illness, I couldn’t bring myself to ask for help.

Should We Still Be Talking About Stigma And Mental Illness?

While I would never have judged anyone else for having a mental illness, I couldn’t bring myself to ask for help. Consequences of stigma come from within.

People can be courageous and hardworking and still not get better.

What If I'm Not The "Right" Kind Of Mentally Ill?

People can be courageous and hardworking and still not get better. Because that’s what it means to have an illness; it isn’t predictable or convenient.

Photo by Luís Pereira on Unsplash

Here’s What It’s Really Like To Have OCD

People just don’t get OCD. OCD is a well-recognized mental illness which affects roughly 1-2% of the population. Yet, it remains badly misunderstood.

The reality is that mental illness is often messy and disruptive — and sanitizing that reality isn’t helpful.

The Conversation We’re Not Having About Mental Health

The reality is that mental illness is often messy and disruptive — and sanitizing that reality isn’t helpful. I felt like a stranger in my own life.
