
The Calories, The Scale, And The Illusion Of Control

Control is a drug, and I’m a strung out addict looking for my next fix.


"Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels"?

I talked to you about the scale last week. It’s a tool I’ve proven that I will use to punish myself. I said I wouldn’t weigh myself. I said numbers don't matter. And then I broke my promise to you. I made the same promise face-to-face with my oldest and dearest friend — a pinky-swear. I broke that one, too.

If I don't start embracing the body I am in, my daughter loses, too. Image: Dahiana Candelo/Unsplash.

My Post-Pregnancy Body Doesn't Feel Like It's Mine Anymore

I understand that feeling good is far more important than looking good. But it's hard to not get caught up in the frenzy to lose all the baby weight when that's the only thing everyone seems to comment on post-delivery.


Yet More Information About Why BMI Isn't The Best Health Metric

In reality, we should be consulting with our own individual doctors about our own individual health statuses because giant studies don’t tell us diddly-squat about our own bodies (and neither do BMIs, for the most part).

When you’re helping people zip up dresses and watching their reactions to certain items of clothing, you start noticing patterns. Image: Thinkstock.

4 Things Women Say In The Dressing Room (And What I Wish I Could Say Back)

When you’re helping people zip up dresses and watching their reactions to certain items of clothing, you start noticing patterns. Here are four of the phrases I hear most often in the dressing room, and how I wish — oh, how I wish! — I could respond.

Full-fat dairy MAY be “healthier” for you than low-fat dairy.  “May” be, as in, probably is, like with numbers and science and stuff. Image: Thinkstock.

Skim Milk Might Kill You

Full-fat dairy may be “healthier” for you than low-fat dairy. “May” be, as in, probably is, like with numbers and science and stuff.

What's worse than being ostracized or criticized because you look a certain way is when others form extremely biased judgments on your character or reinforce stereotypes or double-standards because of how you present yourself. Image: Valerie Bevilacqua.

I'm Body-Shamed For Wearing The EXACT Same Clothes As Thin Women

As a curvaceous 27-year-old who developed early, I was constantly reprimanded for my selection in attire. Whether I was complimented by strangers or nagged by loved ones, one thing was made certain: my well-endowed "assets" caught both positive and negative attention, even when it was out of my control.

The scale isn't the best indictor of health — no matter how old you are.

My Daughter’s Failure To Thrive Taught Me To Ignore the Scale

“Then why are you so worried about the scale?” Why was I? I had finally let go of the scale as an indicator of my own health, but my inability to do the same when it came to my daughter was bringing up the same old feelings of inadequacy and frustration.
