Winona Dimeo-Ediger

Winona Dimeo-Ediger


Winona Dimeo-Ediger is a blogger, author, and banjo enthusiast based in Nashville, Tennessee. Follow her on Instagram @winonarose.

Winona Dimeo-Ediger Articles

Throw every body-policing fashion rule you've heard out the window and buy yourself something gorgeous!

6 Reasons To Wait Until You Lose Weight To Buy New Clothes (And Why They're All Wrong)

Clothes can be altered. Clothes can be sold. Clothes can be swapped with friends. In the meantime, you have to get dressed every day, and you might as well love the clothes you have right now.

Credit: Thinkstock

An Imagined Conversation With A Fashion Magazine

"But I'm your friend! I'm like your cool big sister that makes you feel insecure and unworthy 99% of the time!"


Off The Cuff: Help Me Find Wedding Attire I Don’t Hate

I’ve always hated shopping for dresses in general (I’m seriously supposed to track down one garment that fits properly on my chest, waist, arms, and hips simultaneously?), and finding the right thing to wear to a wedding is always tricky (do they really mean casual?).


8 DIY Hair Tutorials You Will Never See On Pinterest

Toss back half a bottle of merlot while watching “Daredevil.” Pause it for a pee break. Glance in bathroom mirror, notice bangs are getting slightly unruly.

It’s me, Optimism! Cheeriness? Excitement? Hope?

An Imagined Conversation With Optimism

Ever had an imagined conversation with optimism? Yeah, me too.

Image: BBC

Indoctrination In 5 Easy Steps: How To Turn Your Friends Into Doctor Who Fans

5. Treat fan recruitment like a multi-level marketing scheme. Doctor Who fandom is like Mary Kay in that whoever you recruit into the fandom becomes your team, and whoever they recruit, and so on and so forth.

Credit: Thinkstock

How Not To Take A Compliment

"Cute dress!" "This? I literally found it in a dumpster behind Baja Fresh."

Ugly chair. Possible sex chair.

The 10 Emotional Stages Of Buying A Chair On Craigslist

Will you ever find a chair you like? Are there any good chairs left in this world? Why are so many people in your neighborhood attempting to sell “lightly used” sex chairs? What is a sex chair?


QUIZ: Which Version of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” Are You?

In this era of constant self-examination, introspection, and Buzzfeed quizzes, this fact certainly brings up an important question. Which version of the song are you: original or (Extra Festive)?! Wonder no more, my friend. Take this handy quiz to find out!

Looks like a Group C-er to me.

Your Personality Profile According To Your Southwest Airlines Boarding Group

Career-wise, you’re the boss, or, if you’re not the boss yet (emphasis on YET), you’re the boss’s dream, going above and beyond in every way. You tend to define yourself by your job title, and the thought of letting go of that identity gives you hives (this might be something you want to work on, Group A). Your desk is so beautifully organized it could be part of a MOMA exhibit called, “The Artful Workspace: A Retrospective.”
