Kelly Burch

Kelly Burch


Kelly Burch is a writer and editor based in New Hampshire. She is the editor of Renew Magazine, a lifestyle publication for people who are in recovery from addiction. She writes frequently about mental illness and addiction issues, and anything else that catches her attention. You can connect with Kelly and read more of her work on her blog or on Facebook.   

Kelly Burch Articles

A mother's moment of joy, overshadowed by national tragedy. (Image Credit: Think Stock)

What It Was Like To Give Birth On 9/11

A family's day of celebration became a nation's day of mourning.


10 Things I Learned Flying Around The World With An Infant

Just like kids who kick the seat in front of them and middle-aged women who get drunk and chatty on long flights, crying babies are a fact of life.

My daughter nursed (and was supplemented with formula, then milk) for 18 months, and when we weaned, it was because we were ready. Image: Lesly Juarez/Unsplash.

I Supplemented Breast Milk With Formula For 18 Months — And You Can Too!

My daughter nursed (and was supplemented with formula, then milk) for 18 months, and when we weaned, it was because we were ready. After that first bottle, I should have realized that supplementing was great for both me and my daughter.

Image: Gage Skidmore

9 Thoughts You Have When Trump Comes To Town

Someone yelled out a racist comment, and Trump said, “Hey, I can’t say it, but he can.”

There is no way you can understand what a big deal being American is, because you’ve always had it.” Image: Thinkstock.

What Immigration Taught Me About The Fourth Of July

While I would like to think that I paused for a minute or two to think about what it means to be American, I was mostly focused on looking forward to the fireworks show.
But all of that changed for me last year. Three weeks before the Fourth of July, my husband became a citizen of the United States.

Loving the house you grew up in, regardless of whether it "belongs' to the family.

How I Learned To Embrace Renting

As my own home ownership dreams were delayed, I was able to look back on my parents’ decision to rent with a lot more understanding. My parents sometimes struggled to keep the electricity on, but they always made sure that the rent was paid, and that my siblings and me had a wonderful home, no matter whose name was on the deed.

It's all about the confidence, baby.

Why I Reject Imposter Syndrome

I certainly still have moments of self-doubt, but I make a conscious effort to change my internal monologue at those times. Instead of saying, "If only you were good enough to write a book," I tell myself "You're doing great accomplishing small steps to get there." Instead of berating myself for always splitting my attention between my daughter and my work, I congratulate myself for juggling writing and motherhood.

The pain of the past can be summoned up in something as small as a phone call.

My Parent's Mental Illness Still Affects Me

“You have nine new messages.”
