Rebekah Kuschmider
Rebekah Kuschmider Articles
I have zero interest in reliving the years of mutually assured destruction that characterized U.S.-Russian relations during my childhood. And I definitely don't want to do it with Kim Jong Un, who is far less level-headed than Mikhail Gorbachev. And I sure as hell don't want to do it with Donald Trump.
Read...“And I saw something wrapped around her, so I ran up and punched it in the side of the head,” Gibbs told the CBC. “At that point, I realized it was a cougar.”
Read...Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear collars and leashes.
Read...So — who is everyone thinking about when they masturbate? The sex toy company We-Vibe wanted to find out, so they asked 1,000 people who their favorite celeb fantasies were.
Read...Brace yourselves, folks. I may be about to present you with the best news of 2016: ice cream for breakfast can make you smarter!
Read...There are lots of good reasons to bring a pet into your home, especially a cat. There are also lots of awesome cat GIFs. I am going to combine those two things into Ravishly’s "Definitive List Of Reasons To Adopt A Cat (With GIFs)."
Read...Trump was supposed to head to Milwaukee on Thursday to visit a Harley-Davidson plant and sign yet another executive order. Until, that is, Harley-Davidson allegedly backed out. According to an unnamed White House official, Harley-Davidson didn't want to face the protests that were sure to accompany any appearance by the historically unpopular new president.
Read...So we have a new Justice on the Supreme Court.
Read...If the first line of your personal dating profile reads: “Must love combovers, bankruptcy court, and misogyny,” have I got good news for you! There is now a special dating site just for singles who support Donald Trump.
Read...When is a bra not a bra anymore?