Rebekah Kuschmider

Rebekah Kuschmider


Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Babble, Scary Mommy, Huffington Post, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor to the upcoming book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox (an anthology, SheWrites Press, Nov. 2015). You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Rebekah Kuschmider Articles

Original Image: Aeon Flux/Paramount Pictures

These Women Defeated An Armed Robber By Pelting Him With Dildos

They unmanned a man using manhood. They dicked the dick.

Flag of the Islamic State.

Ask A Feminist: What Do We Do About ISIS?

I’ve never read the Quran or attended a Mosque, but I’m pretty certain that if anyone had the chance to speak directly with the god Allah or the Prophet Muhammad, they would not be saying “Bitches be crazy, yo. Keep them bitches down.”

Image Credit: Thomas Kelley via Unsplash

Happy National Doughnut Day!

So why are you still sitting here reading this? Get up! Grab your keys! Go get a doughnut!

"remember that the lives of women are as real as your own."

Ask A Feminist: Can I Be A Feminist If I'm A Man?

Finally, and this is very very important because it’s how feminism might go viral among men, you have to remain a feminist even when no women are around. That means, when you’re in a group of all guys and someone say something sexist as fuck, instead of laughing, you have to say “Dude. That was sexist as fuck.”


4 Tiny Kittens Rescued From Florida Dump

(Sidebar: anyone who puts baby cats in a bag and tosses them in the trash does not deserve to keep breathing the same air as normal kitty-loving people.)


Plumbers Donate Services To Help Flint Water Crisis

Today in People Being Awesome To Other People, over 300 union plumbers headed to Flint, MI over the weekend to do their part in making the water safe for residents.

"Neighbors decided that the best way to fight anti-LGBTQ sentiment was to make a unified show of support." Image:

A Gay Couple's House Was Vandalized; Their Neighbors' Response Was Heartwarming

Massachusetts couple Lauri and Cari Ryding came home from vacation to find their porch a mess. Someone had egged their house. They were targeted because they’re gay — the vandals made their hate apparent by also stealing the Ryding’s rainbow flag.


Happy 90th Birthday, Queen Elizabeth!

The Obamas are meeting with the Queen Elizabeth II of England this week in honor of her 90th birthday. They gave her a custom photo album with pictures of the Queen with past Presidents and First Ladies.


Ask A Feminist: Should We Take Donald Trump's Sexism Seriously?

One thing that is absolutely true is that Donald Trump insults everyone. He’s been loser-ing and dummy-ing his way across the slate of GOP presidential hopefuls for months now. It’s actually jaw-droppingly awful, because it’s pretty evident that he insults EVERYONE. He can’t pull it together enough to be polite under any circumstance, which means he would turn a state dinner into a Real Housewives-style table-turning circus. In fact, I could see him calling Netanyahu a “prostitution whore” and that terrifies me.

It's yours.

25 Resolutions For The Political Pundit In You

If you have the time to do so, volunteer to be a poll worker. (This could be especially important if you speak a second language!)
