
If things are starting to feel fishy at your workplace, it’s time to review your finances first and foremost.

Self-Care: Employment Plan B

Job loss. It’s inevitable at some point in your life.

"That’s the great thing about books where the world ends: you can close them and look up to see a world that miraculously managed not to end while you were busy reading."

Apocalypse Not Yet: Books About The End Of The World That Make It Feel Worth Saving

That’s the great thing about books where the world ends: you can close them and look up to see a world that miraculously managed not to end while you were busy reading. You can hop back into the fray of that still-turning, still-suffering world and maybe make your own Magic Vessel Of Flickering Empathy Waiting For Lost And Lonely Souls To Find while you’re at it. Ironic as it may be, that magic is part of the glue that holds humans together.

Giving yourself grace as you get older - that's the key to the "graceful" part of aging. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Marivi Pazos)

Learning To Age With Grace

Sitting now on the cusp of my 35th birthday, I find myself taking stock of my life thus far, shoving my youth under a microscope while I ask myself this one thing: Am I careening full-tilt toward my final days on this earth, or am I only just getting started here?


Time Management As Self-Care: Domme The Clock

With all of the anxiety and potential for a spiral of bad things that could happen, learning how to stay on top of your responsibilities can be the key to preventing the downward spiral. Time management can be an essential part of mental health and maintaining professionalism in a competitive environment full of triggers for us tenderhearts.

Music is a way to connect, a way to heal... a way of life, even.

On Using Music To Manage Mental Illness

Even when he was trying his very hardest not to survive, my Dad still gave himself music. And somewhere along the way, he gave it to me too.

Matcha is all the rage, and for good reason - it packs a healthy, energy-fused punch.

Should I Be Paying Attention To Matcha?

Yes, you should be paying attention to matcha. Though it’s been around for hundreds of years, people on this side of the world are just starting to take notice of it. Better late than never to the healthy bright green tea party, I guess.

It’s time to go the fuck outside.

5 Easy Ways To Go The F*ck Outside More Often

Advocate for your needs. Just do whatever it takes to change up your scenery. It’s time to go the f*ck outside.

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Dehydrated? (Probably): 6 Ways To Drink More Water!

There are a lot of things you will do for/to your body in your lifetime, the most important one will be drinking water.
