Claire Hopple
Claire Hopple Articles
Yes, you should be paying attention to matcha. Though it’s been around for hundreds of years, people on this side of the world are just starting to take notice of it. Better late than never to the healthy bright green tea party, I guess.
Read...Wait a sec, is consuming dairy good or bad for you? Do you cut it out when you want to get healthy, or add more in?
Read...Some weeks are longer than others.
Read...California tooks its post-election protests to a very intense, very new level recently.
Read...It’s not that you don’t love the people calling you (unless you’re solely receiving spam calls), it’s just that you’d rather be with them. You think that the phone can’t replace seeing their faces, experiencing their presence in all the dimensions currently available to humans. And sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) you just need time to recharge by yourself. Why does that feel so wrong sometimes?
Read...Sometimes just saying the words “fast” and “food” back to back makes us want to sneak a glimpse behind us, waiting for the
Read...It's a new year! But it's the same old story with you and your lover, er, I mean, your phone.
Read...As a former therapist who used to see a lot of children, I understand why parents and teachers want to get a child’s ADHD under control. It’s like a GIF personified, and you can’t look away even when you want to. Whether it’s your own ADHD, your child’s, your spouse’s, or even your close friend’s, it’s easy to only see the negatives without knowing there are loads of benefits. Yes, it’s good to have ADHD. Here’s why.
Read...You more than anyone should try to carve out some space for yourself.