Claire Hopple
Claire Hopple Articles
It’s no secret that time away from the office needs to be savored as much as humanly possible.
Read...You don’t need to be diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder to experience the negative effects of the colder, darker days. Every year, it’s like we’re all shocked about just how early it can get dark, wondering where the sun went as if we’ve never gone through winter before. To ease into this time of year and not get wiped out by the crueler side of Mother Nature, here are a few tactics to try.
Read...Whether it’s moving to a different country, starting a new career in a completely different field, or even something tiny like how to compose that text to a friend or which movie to see, decisions big or small can wear you out before you even have a chance. Below are some questions to help you think through tough decisions. But first, keep in mind: no matter your choice, you will most likely be alive when it has run its course. And you will most likely still be you. Deep breaths. Keep reading.
Read...It's a new year! But it's the same old story with you and your lover, er, I mean, your phone.
Read...Forget ice cream out of the carton, the following limited edition treats from America’s favorite glutton gurus will be the new post-breakup sobfest snacks of choice.
Read...Sometimes just saying the words “fast” and “food” back to back makes us want to sneak a glimpse behind us, waiting for the
Read...You more than anyone should try to carve out some space for yourself.
Read...Nostalgia is actually considered a valuable copoing mechanism for depression, anxiety, and especially grief. Plus, not only does it counteract anxious feelings, it can actually make you more hopeful about the future. No wonder a higher occurrence of nostalgic feelings are found in the most resilient people.
Read...You mention wanting to feast on a sweet stack of pancakes for Sunday brunch and the next time you open Instagram, there’s an IHOP ad star
Read...If you want to burn off your hair, possibly several limbs and maybe even your entire yard, then by all means, fire up that completely frozen bird. But if you’d rather play it safe, follow these simple tips: