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5 Ways Not To Be A Jerk To Your Friend With A Chronic Disease

I don't believe that you're incapable of treating me and my friends with compassion. Maybe you just need a little help.


3 Ways To Turn Cabin Fever Into Couples Therapy

If the weather has you cooped up with your partner, here's how to cope and bond instead of snap and split.


After Years Of BDSM, Missionary Position Is Now My Biggest Perversion

I kind of like looking like a boring straight couple and knowing that when we get back home it's going to be biting and spitting and face slapping.


Seahorse Man: Flash Fiction

He thought I was mad, but in an artistic way; I thought he was horny all the time, but in an artistic way.

Credit: ThinkStock

Why I Decided To "Shack" With My Boyfriend—Despite The Religious Objections Of My Family

Several of my relatives—especially those steeped in religion—have balked at our decision.

Credit: Thinkstock

Why Your Favorite Fantasy Is Problematic

No, it’s not "just fantasy." Maybe in a better-educated world it would be, but here, it is an active reinforcement of norms.

Credit: ThinkStock

Why My Longterm Relationship With Singledom Is Just Fine

I’m a firm believer in calling something what it is. In that vein, I readily identify myself as perma-single.


Top 10 Romance-Killing Valentine's Day Gifts

Is the pending day of you-know-what getting you down? Are you looking for a way to send just the right kind of "hell to the no" love-message?
