
Help! How Do I Know If I Should Get Married?

I know I love my boyfriend and I think I’m ready to get married but how do I know if he’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with?


Gluten: A Story of Love, Loss, And Processed Carbohydrates

I like to think of Valentine’s Day as another evening on my couch with an assortment of cheeses and confusing sexual fantasies about Jamie Oliver.


Your Guide To Sexual Fluidity And Non-Monogamy After 50

Check out an exclusive first look at Joan Price's soon-to-drop book.


Yes, I'm A Bearded Lady; No, I'm Not "Grateful" For Your Attention

“I actually like women who look like you.” How do I begin to explain what is wrong with that statement?


Fiction Friday: Tell Me What To Do

The place where her shoulder blades almost met was suddenly purple, and I tasted blood, slick and tangy, against my lipstick.


5 Facts About Zoophiles In Aftermath Of #DolphinLover Controversy

Bestiality: five syllables nobody really likes to utter. Especially in the same sentence as tolerance or consent.


Lamenting The One That (Sort Of) Got Away

There isn't a woman on earth that hasn't imagined the shimmering mirage of "The One," but I always felt it was some cruel myth. Until I met *John.


Hunger: Flash Fiction

Fresh orange juice, milk, thick slices of ham, a block of cheese, a carton of eggs—her husband kept it this way should this moment arrive.
