Jody Allard

Jody Allard


Jody Allard is a former techie turned freelance writer living in Seattle. Her online work has appeared on Time, xoJane, and Offbeat Home, among others. She writes primarily about food, family, mothering, and life with a chronic illness. 

Jody Allard Articles

Time Remembers Women Exist, Names First Woman "Person of the Year" in 29 Years

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the first woman to be named Time magazine's "Person of the Year" in nearly 30 years. The magazine cited her unique values –– including humanity, generosity, and tolerance –– to explain why her leadership merited the award.

All I leanred divorcing a narcissist.

8 Mistakes I Made Divorcing A Narcissist — And How To Avoid Them

As the relationship ends, when divorcing a narcissist, you are no longer useful to them, and they no longer feel any obligation to treat you civilly.


Put Away That Selfie Stick, Selfies Now Kill More People Than Sharks

You are more likely to DIE while taking a selfie than in a shark attack, according to a new report.


Mark Zuckerberg Announces The Birth Of His Baby –– And A Massive Charity

The pair has pledged to donate 99 percent of their Facebook shares over the course of their lifetime, which currently amount to about $45 billion. You know, just some pocket change.


The New Holderness Family's Thanksgiving Video Doesn't Suck

If you don't know who the Holderness family is and have somehow managed to miss their series of painfully awkward viral videos, congratulations! You haven't missed much.


My Journey To Overcoming The Trauma Of Childhood Sexual Abuse

I didn't have a fairy-tale childhood, unless it was one of those dark and grim ones that really shouldn't be read to children.

The author and her SEVEN CHILDREN.

7 Things I've Learned From Raising 7 Kids

Through the years, I've learned that our ideologies matter far less than the quality of the relationships we build with our kids. Your rules and my rules may be entirely different, but if we center our parenting around nurturing and compassion for our kids, we will achieve similar results.


Get A KITTEN Delivered To Work In Honor Of #NationalCatDay

Feeling lonely at work? Today only, in 50 cities across the country, Uber will deliver kittens to your office in honor of #NationalCatDay.


Man Punches Elderly Costco Shopper In The Face Over Nutella Waffle Samples

If you're anything like me, the only enjoyable part of shopping at Costco is the samples. It's always packed, there's nowhere to park, people push their massive fucking carts slower than molasses in January, and everything about it makes me homicidal EXCEPT for the sweet, sweet lure of the samples.
