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When Self-Destruction Meets Writerly Self-Doubt: A Book Review Of Women

Chloe Caldwell writes in such an honest way that Women reads like a journal entry.


Blood-Sucking Love: Nikki Reed Engaged To Ian Somerhalder

Hold on to your wooden stakes and garlic—vampire actors are

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Turns Out Weddings Have Nothing To Do With Marriage—And Other Matrimonial Thoughts 

I want to lie belly-down with someone in life's trenches. To do the work. To stand up, however sheepishly, and say: I don't want to go it alone.

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Saying Goodbye To My Imaginary Ex-Boyfriend

Last week was my imaginary ex-boyfriend's birthday. January 2, to be exact. I only know this because Facebook told me so. I had forgotten about him.


10 Things Girls Wish Men Knew About Women

Here's a helpful image I want you to keep in mind whenever you are trying to forge a dialogue between the genders: A gaping chasm.

Credit: Thinkstock

"Stop Taking Everything Personally": The New Year's Resolution (And Man) That Changed My Life

Feel free to steal this world-rocking resolution.


I Believe In A Thing Called Love (And Maybe Faith Too)

I want to know the texture and weight of faith, as if it was a sort fabric I could run my fingertips over.


That Time I Got Violently Ill On Christmas—And Learned Something I'll Never Forget

I got food poisoning the day of Christmas, at age 8.
