
The principles of scarcity mean that, for most of us, the benefits of one choice come at the cost of something else.

When Mothers Are Judged For How They Take Care Of Themselves

The phrase “self-care” comes loaded with assumptions about who has the ability to care for themselves, and what kind of care is valuable. Exercise is virtuous. Devouring “Making a Murderer” in a single sitting is gluttonous.

image credit: London Scout via Unsplash

Parenthood And The Passage Of Time

But what can be said for the day upon which I am no longer enough? I dread that day.

 I’m in; I’m out. I’m done.

I Don't Love Target, And Other SAHM Anachronisms

I have a confession to make. Target, meh. I’m just not that into it.

While co-sleeping might be/have been a magical bonding experience for you and your baby, we just aren’t having it. Image: Mindy Olson P/Unsplash.

I'm Against Co-Sleeping And Don't Really Care What You Think

For some reason, when you become a parent, comments start coming your way (or you start throwing them in someone else’s direction) so fiercely that it completely consumes you.... Co-sleeping is one of those hot-button issues, and, just like breastfeeding, most parents typically sway one way or the other with vigor.

This is a rough time to be a parent.

Raising Sons In The Time Of Trump

I think we can all agree that there is some messed up stuff happening right now.


#JoniDoesBabecamp Day 0: Airplanes Kind Of Suck

The people at TSA should really have a cookie or something.


Put Yourself First. I'm Not Kidding.

This probably won't come as a surprise, but taking care of yourself is probably going to piss some people off.

I’ve compiled a supplemental list of tips for my daughters, more in line with the confident, sex-positive women I want them to be.

7 Pieces Of Real Motherly Advice My Mom Never Gave Me

While I appreciate knowing the correct fork for any situation, my mother’s relationship advice can basically be summed up as this: “There are girls who marry and girls who date. You’re a girl who marries.” (In Mom’s defense, I was a late bloomer. Since no one wanted to date me, this advice was also a form of encouragement.) Dad’s advice was a bit more literal and involved an imaginary quarter that should be held between your knees at all times. Seriously, I couldn’t make this up if I tried. So, I’ve compiled a supplemental list of tips for my daughters, more in line with the confident, sex-positive women I want them to be. I intend to shove these inside my hand-me-down copy of Pretty Me because, after all, knowing proper cutlery never hurt anyone.
