Kathryn Hively
Kathryn Hively Articles
I quit my job to become a stay-at-home mom. I do not tell my girls how many rooms I vacuumed, but I do tell them about my writing. Am I failing feminism?
Read...Metoo parenting is teaching my daughters that they have control of their body. They have a voice. There are now real consequences for those who abuse power.
Read...I would never imply that someone needs to be married or heterosexual to be stronger, feminist or otherwise.
Read...I’m not exactly sure how to take this. Is being thin a consolation prize for being sick?
Read...While I appreciate knowing the correct fork for any situation, my mother’s relationship advice can basically be summed up as this: “There are girls who marry and girls who date. You’re a girl who marries.” (In Mom’s defense, I was a late bloomer. Since no one wanted to date me, this advice was also a form of encouragement.) Dad’s advice was a bit more literal and involved an imaginary quarter that should be held between your knees at all times. Seriously, I couldn’t make this up if I tried. So, I’ve compiled a supplemental list of tips for my daughters, more in line with the confident, sex-positive women I want them to be. I intend to shove these inside my hand-me-down copy of Pretty Me because, after all, knowing proper cutlery never hurt anyone.
Read...In case you’re curious — or fear you may be old — here are a few moments that helped me realize the truth about my oldness.