
We want him to know that while things will change when his sister gets here, he can always come to us for anything, and we will always make time for him. Image:  Elizabeth Kardaseva/Pixabay.

5 Things I Plan On Doing Before I Become A Mom Of Two

I’m not going to lie or sugarcoat my feelings right now — I’m nervous about going from a mom of one to a mom of two. My son is seven, so he, my husband, and I have had seven years of time as “just the three of us.”

Me, pre-child, unhappy, probably on drugs. Image: Erin Khar.

7 Important Lessons I Learned From Being A Parent

My son is, without a doubt, the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He’s also taught me invaluable lessons about myself that I could have never anticipated.

I had nary a trace of fear or dread. Just a sense of well-being. Image: Thinkstock.

I Chose To Have A C-Section, And It Was Totally Fine

[CN: childbirth, pregnancy] "You're asking for C-section? You?!" [my obstetrician] almost shrieked.


The Heroic Mothers Of Lost Children

The prevailing myth was that women had an unfair advantage in custody battles and that men were discriminated against.

She's so much more than "those terrible twos" everyone keeps asking me about. Image: Thinkstock.

I Don't Think Parenting Is Miserable — I Actually Love It!

Nothing felt overwhelming. Not the initial cracked nipples or sleepless nights; not the constant babywearing or lullaby-singing; not the occasional cravings or muscle aches. Through hormonal changes and physical transformations (muffin top and lopsided breasts included), there was always her constant reassuring presence. She made it all worthwhile.

When Branden came along, we decided not to baptize him; I just didn’t believe our sweet baby was born in sin. Image: Juan Carlos Leva/PEXELS.

Religion vs. Motherhood: Why I Doubt My Choices

I am still a very spiritual person, but don’t necessarily agree with a lot of the things I was taught growing up — or the way it was shoved down our throats. So when Branden came along, we decided not to baptize him, because I just didn’t believe our sweet baby was born in sin. My husband wasn’t religious, and this was the right choice for us.

"Both of my babies were born at home with midwives in attendance." Image: Bryn Huntpalmer

The Birth Hour Podcast's Bryn Huntpalmer: Woman Made Of Awesome

I immediately felt like I'd known Bryn. We hung out, we ate. I laughed until I peed my pants.... Interviewing Bryn for Ravishly's PWL was the next logical progression. I mean, I love Byrn, and we all love a good birth story and The Birth Hour delivers on the (twice) weekly.


Gayle Kirschenbaum: The Filmmaker Behind Look At Us Now, Mother!

When recounting that Mildred didn’t like that Gayle was flat-chested at 15, we learn how Mom stuffed her daughter’s bathing suit top with foam. It escaped and floated away during a swim lesson. Rather than express regret at the incident, Mildred offers the response, “Your boobs grew, and your nose grew.”
