Carrie Saum


Carrie is an author, recipe creator, food lover, and feels super pumped about connecting people in her online community, With a great sense of humor, warmth, and vulnerability, Carrie brings genuine reality to the Internet, along with tasty food and slightly inappropriate jokes. After receiving her paramedic medical training, Carrie spent a decade abroad and in the U.S. in the non-profit medical sector, before venturing into the world of Ayurveda and integrated health in 2011.Carrie uses her skills mostly for good these days, and helps clients from all over the world meet their health goals. She loves spending time around the table with her young son, partner, family, and friends. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Carrie Saum Articles

#RavsRecipes: Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms

#RavsRecipes: Super-Fancy Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms

One of my favorite things to do is make comfort food with a twist. Not so twisty that I lose people (I see you lurking in the $13 specialty treat section, beef jerky chocolate bar). Nor will I take two foods that are genius on their own but should probably never join themselves in a culinary union (I’m looking at you, Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger).

We can choose simple over excess, modesty over extravagance. (image credit: Thinkstock)

A Different Way To Holiday

We had no turkey, no casserole dishes heaped sweet potatoes or creamy green beans, no pies made from scratch, no beautiful table settings or nice dishes to heap our non-existent feast upon.

So good, so gluten-free.

#RavsRecipes: Cheesy Cauliflower Cakes With Chipotle Crema

My BFF has been trying to go easy on the grains lately.


#RavsRecipes With Carrie: Mulled Wine (And Carrie In The Shower)

Every year, I recreate my favorite street vendor’s glüwine (pronounced glue-vine), and remember that crazy freedom. I’m instantly transported back to those snowy cobblestone streets, freezing hands and feet, warm belly, and everything tinged with magic even while being naively idiotic.

Christmas AF!

4 Ways To Be Christmas AF

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Go forth and get Christmas AF, and enjoy the absurdity of this magical season. Happy holidays!

You can start practicing attunement on a micro or macro level, or anywhere in between. We are all taking baby steps, so go slow, go gentle, and leave room to experiment and discover more about who you are.

Basic Attunement: How Do I Start Listening To What My Own Self Is Trying To Tell Me?

If you are like me, you weren't raised to tune into your body, mind, or spirit. Tuning in was something you did to television, or something you made fun of when your weird Aunt Susan told you how to breathe into your third chakra to release your blocked Chi from three lifetimes ago.

Bless the Greek.

#RavsRecipes: Mad Mediterranean Bites

Once upon a time, I went to Greece. Then I went to a tiny island and didn’t tell anyone. And then I ate a lot of amazing Greek food, hung out with the Australian water polo team who had just competed in the Olympics, and drank Heineken all day from a can.

"I love cookie cakes of all kinds. I've experimented over the years with different methods and kinds, and my very favorite is by far the skillet cookie." Image: author

#RavsRecipes: Fig And Berry Skillet Cookie. Thank You, Beautiful Figs.

The result was a gorgeous, decadent, crispy-edged-and-soft-in-the-middle caramelized cookie skillet straight from heaven. It filled our entire building with sweet almond and fig baked goodness.


Recipe: Curried Delicata Squash & Quinoa Bowl

Fall is in the air and now come the comfort food cravings. This curried delicata squash and quinoa bowl with hit all the right spots!

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

What To Do When You Realize You Accidentally Joined A Cult ​

20 years later, it is still an experience that I am actively deconstructing. Why? Because I joined a cult. And maybe have too. If so, here’s how to get out.
