
The pain of losing my pregnancy has set me free from the patriarchal office politics that have dictated so many of my days and so much of my mental space.

Non-Mother’s Day: How My Miscarriage Delivered Me From Secrecy

I called myself “mama” for the first time on the morning of the day that I miscarried.

It gives me great confidence in our relationship that we agree on the important issues — be that a woman’s right to choose or a family’s right to keep their baby boys intact.

I Picked My Partner Because He Doesn't Believe In Circumcision

Properly cleaning it and putting on a condom just didn’t seem like a big deal. And as for the supposed unsightliness of an uncircumcised penis? Well, just too bad.

"Would I be in pain forever? Would my periods ever regulate? Will we be able to have more children? And would I be forced to have a hysterectomy like my mother?"

I Didn't Know Uterine Fibroids Ran In My Family Until I Had Them

A quick google search revealed that fibroids are noncancerous uterine growths. They can grow very large, cause extreme pain, and often lead to the removal of the uterus, like they did in my mother's case.

Life changes you; it's okay. You don't have to be the person you were before to make other people feel better.

You Don't Owe Them Sh*t

You feel it. The change.

"I have a lifetime of momless moments ahead of me, but I’ve prepared for those since her death. What I hadn’t prepared for was that I’d have to celebrate one of those milestones on a day that I typically spend in mourning."

My Graduation Is On Mother’s Day, But My Mom Won’t Be There

I have a lifetime of momless moments ahead of me, but I’ve prepared for those since her death. What I hadn’t prepared for was that I’d have to celebrate one of those milestones on a day that I typically spend in mourning.

"On the worst days, remember that tomorrow is a new day to start fresh and improve on yesterday's mishaps (which probably weren't as disastrous as you thought)."

4 Simple Tips For Moms Who Want To Practice Mindfulness

Motherhood is stressful, and between regretting things we did in the past and planning for the future, it's hard to remember to eat lunch. Despite being pulled every possible direction, it’s important to practice self-care. And one of the easiest ways to ensure that you are taking care of yourself is to practice mindfulness.

"It’s not that you’re not thankful for this basket of baby that you delivered (you are), it’s just that it’s a lot to take in at once."

7 Simple Meditation Techniques For New Moms

So what are some meditation hacks you can do during and between countless diaper changes and feedings?


My Kids Think I've Lost My Sh*t

The goddamn election has turned me into a cursing motherf*#+er.
