Amy Monticello

Amy Monticello


Amy Monticello is an assistant professor at Suffolk University. Her work has appeared in many literary journals, and at Salon, The Rumpus, and The Nervous Breakdown. She currently lives in Boston, MA with her husband and daughter. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Amy Monticello Articles

We need to stop treating the birth of children and its visible marks on the women who made them as antithetical to the sex that produced those children.

On The Pressure To Have Sex And Be Sexy After Motherhood

Feeling sexy in a body my culture deems unsexy, while also believing that body should dutifully service someone else’s pleasure doesn’t make me want to slip on a silk teddy and give it the old college try.

I want us all to carefully consider the terms in which we describe our choices to others in order to pare them from implicit value judgments on other women’s choices.

Stop Judging Women On Their Choice To Have (Or Not Have) Kids

I’m not here to scream from the other side of my parenting choice. What I want is for women’s choices regarding fertility to be supported, full stop.

Photo courtesy of the author.

Good Fathers Are Not Saints

An equitably responsible life between a man and a woman should not be seen as a rare wonder, but an expectation.

The principles of scarcity mean that, for most of us, the benefits of one choice come at the cost of something else.

When Mothers Are Judged For How They Take Care Of Themselves

The phrase “self-care” comes loaded with assumptions about who has the ability to care for themselves, and what kind of care is valuable. Exercise is virtuous. Devouring “Making a Murderer” in a single sitting is gluttonous.

It is easier to hate what we want than to pursue it.

Women, Other Women Are Not Your Enemy

I’ve habitually, if unconsciously, compared myself to other white women who, in far greater numbers than women of color, are granted competitor status in America’s Olympics of life.
