The truth was that going to a group therapy session once a week for eight weeks sounded like a nightmare. In the end, I'm so glad I went!
Read...The sad reality is that many of us lose ourselves in addiction, and not enough make it out. In honor of National Recovery Month, I'm telling my story.
Read...I’m doing all I can to learn how to accept my new identity and this new normal because at the end of the day, my antidepressants are keeping me alive.
Read...If you constantly find that you’re rubbing people the wrong way, take a look at this list and consider if you’re doing any of the following seven things.
Read...At times it feels as if the whole foundation of our country is crumbling into dust. Here are tips for managing anxiety in Trump's America.
Read...I made it my goal that by the end of 2018 I would leave my negative self-talk behind. Here’s how I’m learning to do just that.