Elizabeth Laura Nelson

Elizabeth Laura Nelson


Elizabeth lives in Brooklyn with her two daughters, occasional mice and innumerable to-do lists. She runs a nine-minute mile, bakes a mean chocolate chip cookie, and can always be persuaded to get up and sing at a karaoke bar. Follow her on Twitter.

Elizabeth Laura Nelson Articles

In a marriage, should you really feel lonely that much of the time? And if so, then how lonely is too lonely?

Feeling Lonely Isn’t Normal, It’s A Sign Your Marriage Is Broken

In a marriage, should you really feel lonely that much of the time? And if so, then how lonely is too lonely?

Photo by henri meilhac on Unsplash

You’re Not Too Much, He’s Just Not Enough

My whole life, people have been telling me I’m “too much." It's BS.

When I think about why none of my relationships ever seem to work out, the elephant in the room is my mental illness.

Mental Illness Doesn’t Mean You’re Too ‘Broken’ To Be In A Relationship

The elephant in the room is my mental illness. Do my anxiety and depression make me unworthy of love?

The best way I know to feel better when I’m low is to scrape up some gratitude.(Photo by Neil Bates on Unsplash)

9 Things To Be Grateful For After A Breakup

Finding gratitude in the wake of a bad breakup isn’t easy. Here are a few things to focus on.

Photo by Shanique Wright on Unsplash

Why You Need To Stop Talking About Your Relationship

Is it possible that talking about your relationship less could actually be the key to making it better? Sometimes, stop talking and just let yourselves be.

The thing is, when you fight with your partner, it’s your amygdala that takes over. It's the part of the brain that processes fear, and it’s powerful.

Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Fight With Your Partner

The thing is, when you fight with your partner, it’s your amygdala that takes over. It's the part of the brain that processes fear, and it’s powerful.

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

What Your Relationship Attachment Style Says About You

Are you anxious or avoidant? Secure or preoccupied? Here’s how to tell — and why it matters. Read...