Jen Glantz
Jen Glantz Articles
According to the website,, the average bridesmaid spends $1,200 on one wedding. Where does that money go?
Read...On each date, during my 14 first dates, whether good or bad, I started to realize that dating is more straightforward than it seems.
Read...Deciding to tell your partner that you want to see a therapist can be scary. And sometimes it's even a good idea to see someone together!
Read...When I found out that my boyfriend lied to me, twice, about going to a strip club, I thought I’d have the guts to be able to handle it better than I did.
Read...I made it my goal that by the end of 2018 I would leave my negative self-talk behind. Here’s how I’m learning to do just that.
Read...This is a letter to Santa, from a Jewish girl. Shalom Santa, Do you remember me? I love you, Santa, and I’m just wondering why we can’t be friends.
Read...Friends call — once or twice a month — to tell me that they are pregnant.I’m no longer over-the-moon happy for them; I’ve become jealous.
Read...I went to learn about the options to freeze my eggs so that when I was ready to make a decision about having kids, I wouldn’t have to worry about my age.
Read...My first time trying out for The Bachelor, I really wanted to get on the show to find love. “Is anyone else here to find love?” I said out loud.
Read...“Apps for anxiety,” I whispered in the middle of a panic attack, holding down the round circle button on the front of my iPhone connecting to Siri.