
Somewhere out there is the perfect health professional for you. Here's how to find that person.

How To Find The Right Health Practitioner For You

Over the years, I've compiled a list of things I look for as a woman, mother, health advocate, and human. I firmly believe that the relationship you have with your doctors and healers is paramount to your overall well-being.

Wearing clothing that shows off my body is a way of publicly declaring that my body is good.

Retail Therapy: Healing From Internalized Sexism Through Shopping

For me, after growing up in evangelical purity culture, few things have been as healing and empowering as shopping.

If it's okay for other people not to be okay, I have to give myself the same permission.

What Happened When I Stopped Saying "I'm OK" And Started Being Honest

If it's okay for other people not to be okay, I have to give myself the same permission.

Diana Simumpande via Unsplash

#SelfCareSunday: Naming Your Narcissistic Abuser

When you can’t trust your perception of reality and the things that you are experiencing, who or what can you trust?

Don't lose your cool without trying these seven tips for mood management.

7 Ways To Quickly Change A Bad Mood

Strange, that bad mood of yours won’t disintegrate with someone shaking you and shouting “Snap out of it!” That alllllways does the trick.

This was a week that all I could think about was time. Having enough damn time to do everything I want to do.

A Really Sh*tty Week 

This has been a week of shitty news. And for me, the eternally glass-half-full kind of girl, that says a lot.

The pain of the past can be summoned up in something as small as a phone call.

My Parent's Mental Illness Still Affects Me

“You have nine new messages.”

Take your time, treat yourself well, and most of all, don’t let the crappy parts stop you.

What No One Told Me About Eating Disorder Recovery (That Everyone Should Know)

I could tell you the story of the eating disorder itself, but there’s a lot of good reading out there about that. What I want to talk about is recovery.
