
Life changes you; it's okay. You don't have to be the person you were before to make other people feel better.

You Don't Owe Them Sh*t

You feel it. The change.


How OCD Has Shaped My Relationship With Food

I struggle to find language that describes the messy tangle of thoughts and memories that weigh down every spoonful. If I had to tell you about my relationship with food in a sentence: I am totally and completely obsessed with it.

"On the worst days, remember that tomorrow is a new day to start fresh and improve on yesterday's mishaps (which probably weren't as disastrous as you thought)."

4 Simple Tips For Moms Who Want To Practice Mindfulness

Motherhood is stressful, and between regretting things we did in the past and planning for the future, it's hard to remember to eat lunch. Despite being pulled every possible direction, it’s important to practice self-care. And one of the easiest ways to ensure that you are taking care of yourself is to practice mindfulness.

"Every mirror is an opportunity to ruin more of my skin in a nonsensical attempt to fix what I think is there."

I Can't Stop Picking At My Skin

I lose hours to this obsessive compulsion, not a day goes by without it. Every mirror is an opportunity to ruin more of my skin in a nonsensical attempt to fix what I think is there

Hopefully these tips will help others too.

10 Ways I'm Learning To Cope With Anxiety

Even with all of the precautions that we take to help sway anxiety from creeping up on us, we still will have our bad days. But I found some techniques that may help — at least a little bit.

"It’s not that you’re not thankful for this basket of baby that you delivered (you are), it’s just that it’s a lot to take in at once."

7 Simple Meditation Techniques For New Moms

So what are some meditation hacks you can do during and between countless diaper changes and feedings?

Mental health issues can be particularly difficult to speak of on their own, but postpartum mood disorders might be even harder to disclose.

Postpartum Depression: We're Still Just "Sucking It Up"

Margot had struggled long and hard, she admitted, and I instantly let her know that I could relate. I didn’t want her to feel vulnerable or alone, but more than that, it was true.

Jealousy can live right under the surface, even amongst friends.

What's Not Said: “I’m Jealous of You.” 

How much energy does it take to be jealous? Hint: Way too much.
