Claire Gillespie

Claire Gillespie


Claire Gillespie also writes for Headspace, Redbook, SheKnows and Buzzfeed UK. After graduating with an English degree, she started her writing career with a weekly column about nightclub restrooms. She's since moved on to far more exciting subjects. She lives in Scotland and dreams of moving to France to (finally) finish her novel. 

Claire Gillespie Articles

If it's okay for other people not to be okay, I have to give myself the same permission.

What Happened When I Stopped Saying "I'm OK" And Started Being Honest

If it's okay for other people not to be okay, I have to give myself the same permission.

My Darling Boy, I know what life is like with depression.

A Letter To My Son, From Your Depressed Mother

My Darling Boy, I know what life is like with depression. Here are some things I want you to remember. From Your Depressed Mother.

I miss them. A lot. But I also enjoy the time I have without them and I'm a better parent because of this.

Time Away From My Kids Makes Me A Better Parent

I’m either flying solo — being anything and everything to my two kids — or I am literally solo. And it makes me a better parent.

There's nothing more surreal than being depressed and pregnant during what was otherwise one of the happiest times of my life.

What It’s Really Like To Be Depressed And Pregnant

There's nothing more surreal than being depressed and pregnant during what was otherwise one of the happiest times of my life.
