Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez

Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez


Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez is a diversity content specialist whose work can be seen in The Washington Post, InStyle, The Guardian, and many other places. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez Articles

Things need to change to increase Black breastfeeding rates.

Before You Tell Black Women To Breastfeed, Consider This

A clear medical bias and the stresses of new motherhood, often leaves Black women unsupported on their breastfeeding journeys.

Teaching your children the value of all cultures instead of just your culture will help them to include those who have different backgrounds.

5 Ways To Raise Inclusive Kids

One way to combat negative outcomes post-election is to raise more inclusive children.

There’s nothing wrong with frugality. However, if spending money causes physical or emotional discomfort, it might be a sign of something more serious.

The Ugly Side Of Frugality​

There’s nothing wrong with frugality. However, if spending money causes physical or emotional discomfort, it might be a sign of something more serious.

Moms flying alone with kids need more support and less judgement.

5 Easy Ways To Help Moms Flying Alone With Kids

Next time you see moms flying alone with kids, try some of these tips. You might make someone's day.

"On the worst days, remember that tomorrow is a new day to start fresh and improve on yesterday's mishaps (which probably weren't as disastrous as you thought)."

4 Simple Tips For Moms Who Want To Practice Mindfulness

Motherhood is stressful, and between regretting things we did in the past and planning for the future, it's hard to remember to eat lunch. Despite being pulled every possible direction, it’s important to practice self-care. And one of the easiest ways to ensure that you are taking care of yourself is to practice mindfulness.

I couldn’t believe the medical system and several of my peers had me obsessing about my food consumption. I was experiencing food shaming during pregnancy.

Food Shaming During Pregnancy Is More Stressful Than Weight Gain 

I couldn’t believe the medical system and several of my peers had me obsessing about my food consumption. I was experiencing food shaming during pregnancy.

I can't help but think that my lack of hair resources reminds me that I live in a land that wasn't intended for me.

My Black Hair In My Mostly White Town Reminds Me I Don’t Belong​

We all need our hair done. I can't help but think that my lack of hair resources reminds me that I live in a land that wasn't intended for me.

The liberation of Black Americans from physical chains is deeply intertwined with the modern chains of today.

The Importance Of Teaching My Son About Juneteenth In Trump's America

By educating my son on Juneteenth, I am able to make it clear to him that we may live in a nation that wasn’t established with us in mind, but we continue to find freedom anyway.

Many of the things that make you a “good parent” make you a “bad” sexual partner.

5 Ways Parenthood Altered My Sex Life

There were (are) many things that people warned me about when it came to the parenthood transition. But of course, no one prepared me for how having a child would affect my sexual relationship with my husband.


Sex, Shame, And Sex-Esteem: Unlearning Harmful Attitudes Toward Sexuality

It’s time we stop teaching shame and start spending more time fostering healthy sexual identities in young girls.
