
Do we all care deeply what others think? And is it total bullshit when someone says they don’t?

What’s Not Said: When People Either Love Or Hate You

In this column, I talk about things other people think or say, but not out loud, and certainly not in public. No one wants to say, “People either love me or hate me” because it sounds ridiculous and arrogant and icky.

Social media is a great place to share our accomplishments, but it’s an equally valuable place to share our struggles.

When You Suffer On Social Media

The benefit of posting honestly about our struggles and depression on social media.

Trust your life experiences. Believe yourself. Ask the questions, and be open to the answers that take you by surprise.

You Are Your Own Best Guru

On a practical level, being my own guru means that I trust myself. I can forgive myself when I make mistakes, and not get stuck in cycles of shame and despair. I can ask for help when I need it, and seek out important support like professional therapy and support when I can't get out of my own head.

Are some people just naturally more forgetful than others?

Why Am I So Forgetful? 

All your memory questions answered.

Anxiety is serious business, but it doesn’t have to rule your life. Once you learn about it, you can take more control.

5 Ways To Stop Anxiety Attacks


Feelings are so unreliable.

Feelings Don't Have Meanings 

Can we avoid judging our feelings and just accept them as they are?

If things are starting to feel fishy at your workplace, it’s time to review your finances first and foremost.

Self-Care: Employment Plan B

Job loss. It’s inevitable at some point in your life.
