3. Do you masturbate? First, what each person does with or to their body is nobody else’s business. Remember, asexuality is about sexual attraction not necessarily sexual desire or arousal. Simply put, most asexual people can experience sexual arousal; some asexuals masturbate and some do not.
Read...promiscuity researcher. blogger. educator.
Read...Understanding that systems of oppression tend to cast a wide net is the easy part. Next is the hard part: How do we as feminists work to position ourselves within the intersection of marginalized peoples and make sure we’re working with them, instead of stepping on them to get ahead?
Read...While I have dated and slept with both men and women in my life, I happen to be married to a man. This fact automatically means that I “pass” in most situations, although I still identify as bisexual. People see my opposite-sex partner and assume I am straight.