Suzannah Weiss
Suzannah Weiss Articles
“Some of the smartest thinkers . . . are university professors, but most of them just don’t matter in today’s great debates”—or do they?
Read...I have pressured people into sex. I have had partners say they weren’t in the mood and tried to change their minds. I have sulked when they didn’t. And I did this for years without realizing it was wrong. Why? Because I’m a straight woman.
Read...I was six the first time I remember sucking in my stomach.
Read...The more conversations I have with fellow millennials, the more I realize we’re all going through similar growing pains. Professionally, we’re often struggling either to find our niche or to advance in the careers we’ve settled on. Socially, our friendships are in flux, with people constantly moving around and revising their values. And romantically, many of us still have nothing to report while we watch one friend after another pair up.
Read...Women — and everyone, for that matter — I invite you to join me in a new game. Instead of stooping down to sympathize when someone strays from societal body ideals, and instead of bringing others down with us when we're struggling with body image ourselves, let's all lift one another up by declaring that there's nothing wrong with what we've just eaten, how we look in a bathing suit, or what size pants we’re wearing.
Read...Those who know and love people with depression usually want nothing other than to help. But during the times I've been depressed, even the most well-intentioned efforts to help often backfired.
Read...Best of all? She's just getting started.
Read...“Don’t make yourself feel good by calling us survivors.”
Read...So, sex position articles, please stop imposing your useless advice on me. I already know about more positions than I’ll ever have the chance to try!
Read...Being conscious of who you spend your time around is essential for your self-care. Here are some toxic people you can go ahead and cut out this year.