Companies — like, say, L'Oreal — wouldn’t just use the broad, vague, abstract concept of diversity (by hiring Munroe Bergdorf) to lure in customers... would they? But you have to remember — companies are about money-making first and foremost. Sometimes, they’re not really about much else.
Read...I have my own army who fights against injustice. I have a mother who handed out fliers boycotting grapes during Cesar Chavez’s unionizing efforts. I have an aunt and uncle who told me never to question the importance of affirmative action.
Read...Here are ten things I’ve been really, truly, actually nostalgic for lately, amidst the wild, terrifying ride that is 2017.
Read...We already know that white supremacists made their appearance by torchlight, guns in plain sight, so we would all see, unmistakably, that racist filth is here and they are not afraid to show their faces. They have showed us how far they are willing to go. But stay strong and vigilant. We must be the better angels of America.
Read...I’ll still hold your hand in public even if bigots stare us down.
Read..."I'm hoping that it goes beyond saying a new set of names and actually really changing how we think about everything in this conversation, both in the conversations around policing and racial profiling and the silent mass incarceration, but also in the conversations we have about violence against women."
Read...No matter what color or creed you are, it’s obvious that tolerance is a journey that the entire human race is embarking on right now as we speak. Let’s stop asking if things are acceptable, and instead, simply accept them.
Read...This entire Lee vs. Kenny storyline is trash, and shame on ABC for thinking it was a good idea to exploit the "Angry Black Man" trope for Bachelorette ratings. In real life, this stereotype literally gets people killed.