
Work-from-home mom.

4 Annoying Things People Say To Work-From-Home Moms

Many people mistake working from home as NOT working at all. I guess I can’t blame their curiosity. How do I fill the typical 48-hour, working week in the comfort of my own home? But if those people managed a challenging workload and a lively toddler simultaneously, they would not even question it!

Most stepmothers? NOT evil.

7 Things The Very Best Stepmothers Do

Let’s face it. Stepmothers get a bad rap. Disney didn’t do us any favors.

The author and her SEVEN CHILDREN.

7 Things I've Learned From Raising 7 Kids

Through the years, I've learned that our ideologies matter far less than the quality of the relationships we build with our kids. Your rules and my rules may be entirely different, but if we center our parenting around nurturing and compassion for our kids, we will achieve similar results.


I Went On Vacation And I Didn’t Miss My Kids. Am I A Horrible Person?

"I love my kids. I don’t love Portland more than my kids. What I loved, besides books and donuts and peonies, was being alone. Or at least alone without kids. So not really alone as much as just not being screamed at or hit by a couple of tiny tyrant assholes."

Credit:  Skwid Inc. Photographic Arts

3 Ways Burlesque Has Made Me A Better Mom

" you know what happens in lightly buzzed stupors? You get brave. Really brave. So, I signed up for it. In my lightly buzzed stupor I signed up for the burlesque mentorship program.


Motherhood And Impostor Syndrome

"Impostor Syndrome is the unwanted caboose on the train of motherhood. It is the trailing thoughts that give you the absurd ideas that you are a fraud."


I Don't Love This Parenting Thing

I don't love this. I don't love any part of it. I don't love the fact that a life is in my hands every moment of every day.


Cinderella’s Lament: A Woman In A House Of Testosterone

Alas, I am the lone female in a house full of men. Only two men, but they take up a lot of space.
