Irina Gonzalez


Irina Gonzalez is a writer and editor, focusing primarily on food, health, relationships and culture. When she's not working on her book about growing up Cuban and Russian or posting #healthylatinfood photos on Instagram, you can find her living and writing about a creative + passionate + fearless life on

Irina Gonzalez Articles

It gives me great confidence in our relationship that we agree on the important issues — be that a woman’s right to choose or a family’s right to keep their baby boys intact.

I Picked My Partner Because He Doesn't Believe In Circumcision

Properly cleaning it and putting on a condom just didn’t seem like a big deal. And as for the supposed unsightliness of an uncircumcised penis? Well, just too bad.

"I thought I had dealt with my body issues before I decided to do this shoot, but it turns out I was wrong."

I Didn't Need A Partner Or A 'Perfect' Body For Boudoir Photos — And Neither Do You

I thought I had dealt with my body issues before I decided to do this shoot, but it turns out I was wrong.

“We are moving to America,” they told me.

How Growing Up Russian And Cuban Made Me An American

I landed at Miami International Airport knowing nothing other than that my Cuban father and Russian mother had decided to move our family there.

Image by Shinsuke Inoue via Unsplash

My Body, My Choice: What Body Positivity Activists Get Wrong About Weight Loss

I think anyone who helps others embrace and love their body in order to change our societal standards of beauty is ultimately doing a good thing. But I am very uncomfortable with the way that some body positivity advocates take “body positivity” to mean “You can’t care about what you look like,” or “You can’t care about your weight,” or “You can’t ever try to lose weight” I want to ask: Why not?
