body positivity

You cannot tell someone’s health from their weight.

To The Fat-Haters: Health Is Not A Moral Issue

And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but people are really resistant to movements that aim to inspire people to drop the fight against weight. There are lots of fat-haters.

You can love, accept, and appreciate yourself and your body now, independent of your weight.

7 Reasons Why "I Need To Lose Weight" Is A Damn Lie

I’ve heard this so many times: “Your talk of normal eating and body love is all good and fine — but I need to lose weight.” This is what I have to say to you: You don’t.


Whitney Way Thore: Dancer, TLC Star, Generally Awesome Person

What I love about Whitney — besides that she's funny as hell — is she is genuine. That's a hokey thing to say, but it's true. I adore her, and I know you will, too.

Loving your body isn’t easy, but once you start, it gets easier.

Loving Your Body Isn't Easy #DitchTheDiet2016

How does that old cliché go? “Love is not a noun, it’s a verb”? Loving your body is a verb. It’s an action — and in many ways it’s a sacred and defiant one.

Loving your body isn’t easy, but once you start, it gets easier.

Loving Your Body Isn't Easy #DitchTheDiet2016

How does that old cliché go? “Love is not a noun, it’s a verb”? Loving your body is a verb. It’s an action — and in many ways it’s a sacred and defiant one.


Writer Caissie St. Onge Nails The Problem With Diets In Facebook Post

While St. Onge is best known for writing for funny folks like Letterman and Rosie, her FB post this morning about weight and weight loss was as authentic as it gets.

A Tale of Ten Tummies

A Tale of Ten Tummies: Stretchmarked, Saggy, Wrinkled, Toned, Taut

We spend a lot of time thinking about our bodies; our faces, our fat, our bellies. We love them. We loath them. This is a tale of ten tummies.


What Is Body Positivity? The Crazy Concept That Is Loving Yourself — VIDEO

In some ways, it feels like 2015 has been the year of 
