
Alcohol oils the gears to allow this fear to fade away, and I hate it. I want that oil without losing some awareness, or feeling like an exhausted mess the next day. (Image: Shutterstock)

I Hate My Drunken Alter-Ego Because She's Braver Than Me

The odd thing is that when I get drunk, I don't actually drink a lot — much to the hilarity of many people I know — because I'm pretty much a goner after one mixer or two. So my liver is fine, but the physical isn't the problem. The problem is the sheer burst of negativity that hits me as soon as I wake up from an awesome night out. I'll walk you through a day in the life of a drunken Stephie right now.

Image Credit: Original image from Anthony Delanoix via Unsplash

So, Weed Wine Is Definitely A Thing 

Canna Vine is making this miraculous concoction that consists of organic marijuana and biodynamically farmed grapes. I don’t know what biodynamic farming is but it does sound very special and like it would result in good tasting wine.

While I didn’t get in trouble, and they let the underage drinking slide, I could feel judgment. I didn’t report my attempted attack. Image: Mamamia team, author.

I Was Almost Raped — And When I Spoke Out, Ended Up With Zero Friends.

I know he did not finish our program duration. I know that I finished the program with no friends, and very few people who even believed me. I consider myself very lucky to have survived the situation with mostly just a bruised ego, but I will always feel guilty.

A day or two following what my friends now call “The Bacon Incident,” I broke it off. Image: Thinkstock.

The Pettiest Breakup Of My Life

“She just grabbed the bacon off my plate! She didn’t ask, she didn’t even say anything, she just assumed it was OK and took it!”
“It’s just bacon —”
“It’s NOT about the Bacon, Donald. It’s about the principle.”

At the time, no one could tell me why I was suddenly visiting the ER on a monthly basis. Image: Thinkstock

Having A Rough Childhood Can Affect Your Health As An Adult

Prescribe, refer, repeat — that was the drill for several years. It wasn’t until I started to explore the impact of childhood adversity that I saw the big picture, and it began to make sense.

Where else other than family events could you toss a bunch of acquaintances together and expect them to have a good time? Image: Thinkstock.

10 Tips For Surviving Family Events This Summer

Don’t talk politics. Do. Not. This old adage is more important than ever this year, with an election that started off bad and has gotten consistently worse.

Poppies might be "natural," but last time I checked, opium's not great for you... Image: Thinkstock.

7 Myths That Contribute To The Stigma Around Addiction

How can we combat stigma? One way is to debunk the myths about addiction that currently saturate the public conversation. By breaking down these oppressive narratives, we can create an environment where people aren’t afraid to ask for the help they need to get well from the disease of addiction.
