Matt Joseph Diaz

Matt Joseph Diaz


Matt Joseph Diaz is a public speaker and social media activist tackling the issues of body image and self love. Matt has been working in social media since the age of 15, and has a long history of creating online content for entertainment and educational purposes. Matts videos have accrued over 120 million views in countries all over the world as well as being featured in People, Cosmopolitan, Buzzfeed, Upworthy and numerous other news websites. He now spend a lot of his time traveling and speaking on self love at conferences, colleges and public events. Matt Joseph Diaz currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.   

Matt Joseph Diaz Articles

Image: Matt Joseph Diaz

Mondays With Matt: Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

After spending a long time in nature, it stopped being intimidating. It started being calm. The quiet wasn't something I feared anymore. It was something I wanted to cherish.


Mondays With Matt: On Coming Out And Expressing Your Sexuality

This week, Matt kicks off our Conversation series on coming out with his own story.

A day or two following what my friends now call “The Bacon Incident,” I broke it off. Image: Thinkstock.

The Pettiest Breakup Of My Life

“She just grabbed the bacon off my plate! She didn’t ask, she didn’t even say anything, she just assumed it was OK and took it!”
“It’s just bacon —”
“It’s NOT about the Bacon, Donald. It’s about the principle.”

Your feelings are valid. Image: Thinkstock.

Having A Mental Illness Doesn't Make Your Feelings Invalid

People who live with mental illness are aware of how our brains work differently. Because of this, we constantly go the extra mile to try to validate what we’re feeling within ourselves before even considering voicing an opinion out loud.

Matt Joseph Diaz

#MondayMotivation With Matt Joseph Diaz: Matt Gets Naked

We met Matt a year ago when he showed us his post weight-loss body.

Give yourself love, even when you don't feel deserving.

#MondaysWithMatt: Love Yourself, Even When You Don't Like Yourself

Even on the days you've made a mistake, or hurt someone, or otherwise messed up and caused yourself to doubt whether or not you like you, it's sti

Image: Pixabay, Katy Allison

When Did You Lose Your Virginity? WHO CARES?

I was definitely what you might consider a “late bloomer.” When I was younger, I was exceedingly shy around women and insecure about my weight, and I put no effort into my appearance whatsoever. I didn’t have a decent haircut until 2013, and even that’s debatable.

A friendship is a relationship, a dialogue: it's a conversation that's always happening.

#MondaysWithMatt: A Friendship Is A Two-Way Street 

I know, it's Monday. BLECH. But, that also means it's time for #MondaysWithMatt.

Those 24 hours unplugged were an interesting experience.

5 Things That Happen When You Lose Your Phone For 24 Hours

Being unable to post photos of funny signs outside of bars or live-tweet bad reality TV had more of an effect than I'd anticipated.

Monday With Matt: Hey. Your Partner's Body Is Going To Change. Deal.

Mondays With Matt: Hey, Your Partner's Body Is Going To Change. Deal.

This week, Matt addresses everyone out there with a lady as their partner. Which is a lot of us, so listen up.
