Sex + Love
Here’s the thing about faking it: eventually, the truth comes out, or someone gets hurt. So I'm going to talk about my virginity on first dates!
Read...If your partner does not love you because you are fat, that has nothing to do with your fat and everything to do with them being an ass.
Read...This California girl has been living down South and enjoying all of its southern hospitality. It’s been an interesting experience, to say the least.
Read...I tried my best to impress and please. I worked on the farm, helped in the kitchen, and tried emphasizing all the other reasons Mick was in New York (work, friends), but none of it felt like enough. No matter what I did, I was still American, and Mick was still going back to the states.
Read...By saying all people who identify as women want less sex and men want more, you’re grossly generalizing two large groups in a way that is both scientifically inaccurate and ultimately lidded under unreasonable social pressure.
Read...As a person who writes about relationships for a living, I might be one of the people least in need of all this well-meaning advice, which usually amounts to clichés and can even veer into the territory of outright insults. What I need – what most of us need – is for people to hear me, and to trust me.
Read...Honestly, I’d say about 90% of the sex I have in my long-term monogamous relationship is “vanilla.” We are, believe it or not, a normal couple who does normal sex things just like anyone else. We are two people who know what the other likes and we do those things.
Read...I found that Yoni crystals can apparently put you at risk for toxic shock?!??! And I was like: WHAAAAAT?!?!!?!?