Sex + Love
You don’t even have to be a good person to be incredible at sex, apparently (my ex proves this).
Read...The universe always knows, and so what it does in all its lovely knowing, is it clears a path for you. When the universe sees that things have reached the point where they stand to steer you off your path, it will clear a way for you to continue moving onward and upward.
Read...Think of all the bad dates you've been on. What if you could charge inconvenience fees for all that wasted time?
Read...I’ve always loved that saying, “fake it 'til you make it.” When I was a young professional (inexperienced employee) sitting in my career station (small cubicle) working hard (emailing friends), I learned a lot about how to make it in the world (pretended like I knew what I was doing). Turns out not much has changed. Now that I’m a mother, I’ve entered a whole new world in which I must fake it till I make it.
Read...Whether it’s moving to a different country, starting a new career in a completely different field, or even something tiny like how to compose that text to a friend or which movie to see, decisions big or small can wear you out before you even have a chance. Below are some questions to help you think through tough decisions. But first, keep in mind: no matter your choice, you will most likely be alive when it has run its course. And you will most likely still be you. Deep breaths. Keep reading.
Read...When you mumble, I think you don’t really care about what you have to say or I’m not important enough to hear you. Is it shyness? Is it laziness? Is it apathy? Have you forgotten how to speak properly because of your reliance on texting? Whatever it is, it has to STOP. Low-talkers, I’m looking at you, too.
Read...This article originally appeared on The Good Men Project and has been republi
Read...Think of #MondaysWithMatt as the ultimate #MondayMotivation. Today's topic is how to handle mental health in a partner.