Megan McLachlan

Megan McLachlan


Megan McLachlan is a Pittsburgh writer whose work has appeared in Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, Thrillist, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Washington Post, and on She is a contributor to Awards Daily TV's Water Cooler Podcast, which covers television and the Emmys. Her first novella, Loan Some, is available on Amazon.

Megan McLachlan Articles

Discovering the cute guy you’re on a date with voted for Trump.

What if We All Charged Inconvenience Fees When Dating?

Think of all the bad dates you've been on. What if you could charge inconvenience fees for all that wasted time?

The author can neither confirm nor deny the validity of this tee.

If I Go To Hell, I Know My Message Tees Are Waiting For Me There

Air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution. The list goes on. And of all the environmentally unsound ways to poison the atmosphere, I’m probably most guilty of committing “t-shirt pollution.”
