
Taystee sobs, kneeling on the ground, with a CO standing behind her. Image: Netflix.

Orange Is The New Black Is Trauma Porn Written For White People [spoilers]

It’s like the writers and producers sat around and said, “Let’s put all the most f*cked up recent cultural references in one season and be the most forward, innovative, social justice show out there!” It’s literally the exploitation and voyeurism of our pain on a platter for the world to gawk at and consume.

bananas + Nutella = magic

#RavsRecipes: Nutella-Covered Bananas

In the great tradition of summer and binge watching, I have rekindled my love of frozen bananas and Lucille Two. It's a great go-to for kids after a long day swimming (replace that potassium!) and for adults, too. Sprinkle it with your favorite topping and enjoy!

Television can actually save your life. Image: Thinkstock.

Netflix Marathons Can Save Your Life: Specific Shows To Watch For Specific Horrible Life Events

Sometimes I imagine what life would be like if I had lived back before glasses and contacts were invented and I couldn’t see anything and just had to fumble around blindly squinting at everything. Or before antidepressants, and I just had to spend my whole life crying in bed. Both those options still seem more manageable than living life without the ability to watch 6-10 episodes of a television show in one sitting.

Every time I watch some absurd scenario unfold, I grow increasingly grateful for my normal — no matter how boring it sometimes seems. Image: Thinkstock.

I Watch Trashy Reality TV And I Feel No Shame

Most nights I rely on trashy reality TV to unjumble my thoughts and get centered. To some, that logic is a little fuzzy, but to me, focusing on someone else’s preventable drama seems far preferable to obsessing over my own.


Mondays With Matt: Anti-Social Media (MY PHONE BROKE, HELP)

What happens when a Millennial smashes his phone? Watch to find out. And also to laugh your ass off. 

There is no way you can understand what a big deal being American is, because you’ve always had it.” Image: Thinkstock.

What Immigration Taught Me About The Fourth Of July

While I would like to think that I paused for a minute or two to think about what it means to be American, I was mostly focused on looking forward to the fireworks show.
But all of that changed for me last year. Three weeks before the Fourth of July, my husband became a citizen of the United States.

Consume with a scoop of ice cream while sitting in front of the fan in your underwear. Image: Our Stable Table.

#RavsRecipes: Stone Fruit Hand Pie. AMEN.

This is a recipe for pastry. It's ugly. It will make your kitchen hot in a summer's day. Hotter than the surface of West Texas. Hotter than Jesse Williams scorching the BET Awards with universal truth that we all need to heed and hear. It won't win an award or any baking competitions. But it will win your mouth's undying gratitude.

'MURRCA!! Image:

24 Ways To Be SUPEREXTRA Patriotic This 4th Of July

“Make America Great Again” with Trump bumper stickers. All over your car. And your neighbor’s car. “America” means cis, hetero, white/orange men in charge.
