I’ve been 20 for, like, a whole month now — which is the most adult I’ve ever been. I’m certifiably ancient. Upon reflecting over these two years of arbitrary official adulthood, I thought to myself, “Self, you have so much to offer the world! People certainly want to hear what you have to say!” And so here we are. (Approximately 3 out of 5 Republican uncles will think this intro is dead serious.)
Read...Lives lived encaged by the Occupation produce — says UN Secretary General Ban [Ki-moon] — “fear, humiliation, frustration and mistrust. It has been fed by the wounds of decades of bloody conflict, which will take a long time to heal. Palestinian youth in particular are tired of broken promises and they see no light at the end of the tunnel.”
Read...This week Matt reminds us how amazing we are.
Read...I am so pleased to offer this piece of music from one of my favorite humans (incidentally, my cousin): Deb Hunseder, a musician who has performed at Pulse. Deb has collaborated with other Florida musicians to offer this song as a tribute and benefit to those whose lives were changed forever in that Orlando night club.
Read...Asparagus. It's a definite love-it-or-hate-it kind of vegetable. In general, I'm a veggie lover, but I'm a super asparagus fan. There is no way that I WON'T eat it.
Read...If I'm watching TV and I hear something that makes me think, "Oh man, I can't believe someone said that on TV — That is hilarious and on point!" you can bet your back hole I'm watching Full Frontal.
Read...I also kind of feel like whatever I do eventually put in my body needs to be quality and filling and full of nutritious goodness. This is hard on mornings when it literally feels like all I can do to make toast. Sometimes I look at it, contemplate it fresh out of the toaster and briefly wonder if I really need to spread the almond butter on it. Because effort.