The Western world defines terrorism through an almost exclusively Islamophobic narrative. In 2002, the first terrorism case tried under the newly-created anti-terrorism law charged a black man with terrorism for attempting to shoot fifteen people and rub Chick-fil-A sandwiches on their faces. Yes. He was charged with terrorism.
Read..."There are more than three stops on the sexual orientation train (thanks to Melissa Fabulous Fabello for that one!). We typically think: Staight, gay, bi." Nope.
Read...I couldn’t listen to another puerile sales pitch in someone’s living room, promising the moon and then selling you something that “tastes just like sugar.” (It doesn’t. Not even sort of.)
Read...Our perceptions of black masculinity are based on myths white men created to dehumanize black men. But we are captive to these myths inasmuch as we desire to make this imagined black masculinity our own.
Read...You learn a lot about people when you live in their home. The Taylors seemed to lead a joyless, Spartan existence.