Catherine Gigante-Brown
Catherine Gigante-Brown
Catherine Gigante-Brown Articles
Content Notice: Death
Read...All bets were off after 9/11. In a twisted way, it proved to me that worry was fruitless. No one ever saw the terrorist attacks coming.
Read...Mindel and Maria were young teenagers when the horrors occurred—but they remembered the tiniest details with crystal-clear intensity.
Read...As a breast cancer survivor, the worst day of the year is when I go for my mammogram. True, nobody actually likes mammos, but I’ve been bitten by one. On the way to my annual squishing, I realized that I have a bunch of coping strategies.
Read...I try. I really do. But whenever I attempt to embrace my husband Peter’s Cuban culture, I always screw up.
Read...I asked a handful of women: why are people so scared of ladyparts?
Read...After I got over the initial devastation, I pulled myself up by my big-girl panties and got on with it. Chemo was no picnic—but it was do-able.
Read...herbalist. shiatsu practitioner. healer.
Read...Upset you lost your keys? Try losing your breast. Pissed off about missing that train? Try missing your son’s 8th grade graduation because of a horrific infection from fluid buildup in the previously-mentioned missing breast. See what I mean? It kind of puts life into perspective.
Read...My husband and I agreed: raising a child with an independent spirit who made decisions for himself was a good thing.