Being cognitively aware on a surface level that your friends and coworkers experience rampant prejudice is different from having it directed at you.
Read..."I'm your neighbor, and a couple of months ago you hit my car. I’m writing to you because…" I write draft after draft, obsessing about this woman.
Read...Brave Lemoore High School sexual assault victims are sharing their stories. These young women deserve more than just moral support.
Read...If you only stop and reflect, here are some of the beautiful things you might realize you’ve left your old life behind when you leave your hometown.
Read...It never occurred to me as a single woman that every day I was learning how to be self-sufficient. That's what building my own Ikea bed taught me.
Read...Women can still be punished for speaking up about domestic violence, and not just by losing a job but by a legal system that fails to protect them.