Jessica Wendroff

Jessica Wendroff


Jessica Wendroff is a writer, photo editor, and shopping goddess in NYC. She is Baby Spice with Ginger Spice's attitude, has been to 16 countries, and loves scary movies. 

Jessica Wendroff Articles

Photo by Mark Pan4ratte on Unsplash

5 Bad Habits I Won't Repeat In A Relationship Again

I broke my bad habits after I took a full year to be completely single and establish my self-worth, and fully love and accept myself and past mistakes.

It's taken me years to appreciate my body. There is nothing wrong with wanting to show it off.

A Guy Telling You What To Wear Is Not Cute, It's Controlling

It's taken me years to appreciate my body. There is nothing wrong with wanting to show it off. I never let a guy tell me what to wear!

Image credit: Pablo Heimplatz via Unsplash

These 3 Factors Will Determine Who You Marry

Love is in our reach, but still always somewhat out of our hands. Here are three factors that will determine who you marry.

When I'm single, I feel more relaxed.

Why I'm My Best Self When Single

Relationships are awesome! Well, at first. After some time, hormones die down, and fights occur more and more. I'm my best self when single!

A couple has to want to be happy together, and fight for their relationship every single day — even on the days they don’t necessarily like their partners.

Why It's OK To Not Always Like Your Partner

Fires don’t burn forever on their own, but they do for those who keep fanning them. So no, you don’t always have to like your partner. But you can find new ways to smoke out negativity, and keep your love ablaze.


It And Other Horror Films Inspired By Paintings

Directors and other movie magicians alike have used their platforms to bring paintings to life. Here are horror films inspired by paintings.

If your crush wanted to be with you, they would be.

If You Have To Question Whether Or Not Someone Is Into You, You Have Your Answer

You should trust your gut over someone else's words. If you're caught in relationship of questioning your person and having them reassure you, but you still don't feel safe, you should let this person go.

To all those girls who think “you’ll never find another like him,” you’re right. You’ll find better.

How The Perception Of My First Love Changed After Dating

I took so long to get over my ex because I put him on a false pedestal in my head. I wasn’t actually happy when I was with him, but when I was without him I would lose my mind thinking about him.

Slow and steady really does win the relationship race.

Why Jumping Into A Relationship Isn't A Good Idea

“Slow and steady wins the race.” It's a phrase I learned back when I was rocking pigtails and a Spice Girls sticker-book was my most prized possess

That gut feeling I had of “this is wrong” — that respectful people don’t just go around taking — was correct.

Everyone Needs Consent, Including Your Significant Other

Love is respect. Everyone needs consent, and that doesn’t exclude your significant other. I’ll say it plainly: partners need consent too.
