Deanna deBara

Deanna deBara


Deanna deBara is a freelance writer who recently made the move from sunny Los Angeles, CA to Portland, OR. When she's not obsessing over her dog, waffles, or all-things-Harry Potter, you can find her on the ever-evolving

Deanna deBara Articles

Imposter Syndrome: Learning To Banish My Inner Gremlin

99% of the time, I feel like a complete f*ck-up in grown up’s clothing.

 I didn’t realize was how much planning a wedding would teach me about friendship.

What Getting Married Is Teaching Me About Friendship ​

When my soon-to-be-husband proposed I knew wedding planning would teach me about our relationship. I didn’t realize it would teach me about friendship.

I have so much anxiety over my engagement.

Anxiety and Engagement: When Your Wedding Is Stressing You Out

Whenever anyone asks me about wedding details, I smile and say we’re working on it while I silently freaking out. I have so much anxiety over my engagement.

Because when you dig a little deeper, all of those “darkest moments”? They’re really not so messed up at all. In fact, they’re actually pretty amazing.

This Year, I'm Giving Thanks To All Of My Darkest Moments

Because when you dig a little deeper, all of those “darkest moments”? They’re really not so messed up at all. In fact, they’re actually pretty amazing.

Photo Credit: Deanna de Bara

My Closet Is A Fashion Graveyard; It's Time To Bury It

My closet is like a fashion graveyard, the final resting place of all the people I thought I wanted to be over the years.

 I’ve always had a healthy sex drive, but once my IUD was implanted, sex was the furthest thing from my mind.

Hormonal Birth Control Tanked My Sex Drive

My libido pulled a disappearing act. I’ve always had a healthy sex drive, but once my IUD was implanted, sex was the furthest thing from my mind.
