
 I became aware that my body creates static in establishments dedicated to amazing food. As a fat person, I’m not supposed to be there.

Take The Cake: Fatness & Food Politics

I became aware that my body creates static in establishments dedicated to amazing food. As a fat person, I’m not supposed to be there. The fat body is the body of the undeserving poor, an aggressively unwelcome reminder of the world just outside the gorgeously appointed, impeccably designed restaurant.

Image credit: Aaron Burden via Unsplash

Are We Still Ashamed Of Our Periods?

There are still parts of the world where women/vagina owners aren’t allowed inside their own home or community when they’re menstruating. They’re seen as impure. I believe the scientific term for all of this thinking is “total and utter bull.”

My depression is my dirty secret.

Why I Keep My Depression A Dirty Secret

I know it’s a lie when I tell myself that I’m “simply off” or “maybe I’m just having a few bad days” or “I’m in a funk” or “I must be upset about something, but I don’t know what.”

In my limited experience, I have always felt that BBW events were spaces designed by fat women for men — frequently thin ones.

Take The Cake: My First BBW Bash

My jaw clenches in judgmental discomfort whenever I think of any event with "BBW" in the title. To me, the term "BBW" is coded. When I hear that word, my eyes begin a preemptive roll as the keywords "heteronormativity," "hookup," "gendered labor," "mansplaining," and "ugh" scroll past the neon pink kiosk in my brain.

It’s not sexy. It’s not dramatic. It’s not interesting. But it is meaningful and fulfilling, which is something that reality television will never ever be. (Photo by Andrew Robles on Unsplash)

Want To Be A Better Friend? 8 Tips To Help You Achieve Your BFF Goals

I know that our group of friends is special. But the specialness comes from some core values that I will share with you. I will give you fair warning: these are not for people who are interested in receiving. These eight guidelines are for people who are interested in building a community.

Photo by Nathan Walker on Unsplash

Knowing What You Want (In Bed And In Life)

As I stand there staring, I realize my mouth is actually watering — I’m a split second away from literally drooling over this guy.

“I will try to maintain some sort of normalcy today, regardless of what is coming out of me," I assured myself. (Image credit: Flickr/adifansnet)

To Anyone Who Doubts The Awesomeness Of Women, Here's What A Period Is Like IRL

I’m tired of men in suits making decisions on behalf of my lady parts. If you want to control my reproductive system, then you better go ahead and start controlling ALL that that entails, including supplying me with an unlimited amount of tampons.
