
Yay, honoring human complexity!

6 Reasons To Embrace Being Unlikable

I didn’t realize I was a polarizing person until my late 20s. I was raised in a tradition where being liked was extremely important — pivotal, even.

My feminism is somewhere between get a man/keep a man, and I don’t need a man at all.

Feminism Or Sexism?

The actual, living, breathing feminism is far more nuanced than just equality. This feminism includes how women function in the world and on what terms.

I do know that nothing is working out the way I dreamed it would when I was a kid. And I also know that at this exact moment in time, I’ve never been happier.

Nothing In My Life Is Turning Out How I Planned, And I’ve Never Been Happier

Sometimes you have to let go of your dreams. As the years go by, you come to the realization that who you are now is pretty much who you’ll be forever.

The author in her home. Photo courtesy of My So-Called Selfish Life

Childfree Women Are Amazing: A Look At My So-Called Selfish Life

The fact that childfree women exist is remarkable, apparently, and people really want to know how we got this way, as untoward and dangerous as we are.

When my activist community turned toxic, I had to find a way to keep moving forward with my work.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go? When Your Activist Community Becomes Toxic

It got to the incredibly toxic point, with my activist community, where I seriously considered walking away from activism for good.

Those who advocate for free speech the most vocally tend to be silent when marginalized people are censored.

When "Free Speech" Silences Marginalized Voices

When marginalized people respond to hateful speech with more speech, they often risk their physical safety — not just their comfort. Free speech is complex.

In our community, women on their moon are embraced, not shunned.

In My Culture, Having A Period Is Powerful

I park my car on the side of the street and turn off the engine.

We need to talk about arming our white loved ones against white nationalism.

How To Arm Your Fellow White Loved Ones Against White Nationalism

Hello, fellow white people! Are you horrified about the recent Nazi rallies and white supremacist marches? Me too! Let's talk about how to arm our loved ones against white nationalism.
