
"5. Paying Attention To Nonverbal Communication"

5 Communication Strategies That Will Improve Your Relationships

Because it's true: Practice really does make perfect.


The Real Reason Marriages Fail

That giddy feeling you felt during the infancy of the relationship goes away. It can be replaced by either a deep bond, or apathy.


How To Stop Obsessing And Start Living When It Is Finally Over

When a marriage finally ends and both husband and wife have signed divorce papers on the dotted line, something counter-intuitive happens.

NSA might be exactly what you need...

What It Means To Date With Intention

Over the course of 12 years, I’ve had relationships with eight men: lived with three, planned for marriage three times, and followed through with marriage once. But it has only been within the past six months that I have started dating with intention.

It's about the shit culture that we live in — one in which sexuality education comes mostly from mainstream pornography and locker room talks, and where disrespect for and objectification of women runs rampant. Image:

20 Things Guys Have Actually Said To Me In Bed

In my experience dating and sleeping with straight, cisgender dudes who worship hegemonic masculinity, I’ve noticed that there’s something really — umm — special about how they go about sexuality.

My husband and I butted heads for years over my decision to be a writer.

Being A Writer Is My Decision — Whether Or Not You Understand

Just like anything else in the world, the struggle is very real. It’s my struggle and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. Every day I get to experience my joy, my downfalls, and my life — and no one can really judge unless they have walked my path.

Relationships take work.

7 Relationship Reality Checks (That Are Only Slightly Depressing)

5. No one person can meet all your needs. Expecting your partner to meet all your needs is a recipe for disaster. There is no one person on earth who can single handedly meet all your social, intellectual, sexual, physical, and emotional needs.


Ask Erin!: What Do I Do About My Boyfriend Ignoring Me?

My boyfriend is ignoring me. I am 32 and he is 34. We have been together for six months. We are both pretty busy with work etc, but I always make him a priority. I always feel like I am giving more than he does and it’s come to a crisis point.
