Arianna Jeret

Arianna Jeret


Arianna Jeret is a Mediator & CDC Certified Divorce Coach, passionate about sharing lessons learned from divorce to help others build more fulfilling lives grounded in strength and optimism. To contact her regarding coaching, mediation, interviews and/or public speaking, she can be reached at or via her website at and podcast, The Greater Dater.

Arianna Jeret Articles

Who doesn't have baggage?

I Don't Have Baggage. I Have A Life.

I was recently talking with a man I had been seeing casually for a while about being set-up on blind dates. Or rather, we were talking about friends and family who have tried to set us up with people who are entirely NOT either of our type.


How To Stop Obsessing And Start Living When It Is Finally Over

When a marriage finally ends and both husband and wife have signed divorce papers on the dotted line, something counter-intuitive happens.

The tango is never a balanced dance...

It May Take Two To Tango, But Someone Has To Lead

There are those opinions that become so ingrained in our cultural library that they become seemingly unshakable universal truths, especially now that they are routinely emblazoned on novelty t-shirts and shared as memes 24/7.


Codependency Isn't A Disorder, It's A Relationship Dynamic

As someone who has been through her fair share of codependent relationships, and has coached and mediated numerous clients out of and onward from codependent relationships of their own, I have spent significant time educating myself further on the concept of codependency.
